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准备好开始建造你的梦想家园了? Acquiring construction financing and navigating a lengthy build can be a daunting, 尤其是对首次购房者来说. To ease the process, we compiled a list of commonly used terminology and definitions.

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年利率(APR): The percentage relationship of the total finance charge to the amount of the loan, 在贷款期限内. 不要把APR和你的报价利率搞混了, which is used to determine your monthly principal and interest payment. The APR reflects the cost of your mortgage loan as a yearly rate. It will be higher than the interest rate stated on the Note because it includes (in addition to the interest rate) loan points, 费用及按揭保险.

评价: A report written by a qualified professional that states an opinion on the value of a property based on its characteristics and the selling prices of similar or comparable properties in the area.

鉴定检验: During construction, the appraiser will visit the property when a draw request is received. They will use the original construction plans to determine the level of completeness in order to confirm the construction is on track and draw funds can be released.

这将是评估: An appraisal utilizing the property plans for the home/building and construction specifications to determine the value of the property as if the home/building was already constructed.

入住证(亦称入住证): Written authorization given by a local municipality that allows a newly constructed, 或者大量翻新, 拟居住结构. 甲级承建商: A Class A general contractor license/certificate holder is authorized to construct or demolish, 或解构, any building or structure that is regulated under the building code, including all work authorized by license types below this level.

关闭成本: The costs paid by the mortgage borrower (and sometimes the seller) in addition to the purchase price of the property. These include, but are not limited to, the lender’s fees, title fees, and appraisal costs.

承包商的许可: A certification issued by a governing body (state) that the contractor is a professional in their field and has met all the qualifications to construct.

成本超支: 超过合同约定价格的任何金额. 大多数成本超支是由于缺乏详细的计划造成的, 原计划的变更, 材料成本增加和天气变化. All cost overruns must be approved by the lender prior to the work taking place.

画: The funds pulled from the construction loan proceeds to be used to pay contractors, building materials and labor expenses for the construction of your home. Draw Schedule – A detailed payment plan for a construction project that is agreed upon by the contractor, 客户和贷款人.

首付: A portion of the sales price paid to the seller by the homebuyer to close the sales transaction. Also, the difference between the sales price and the mortgage amount.

房主保险(也叫灾害保险): A real estate insurance policy required of the buyer to protect the property against loss caused by fire, 自然原因, 破坏公物和其他事件. May also include added coverage such as personal liability and theft away from the home.

利率: The portion of the mortgage amount that is paid to the lender for the use of the money advanced through the loan, 通常以年百分比表示.

临时兴趣: The interest that accrues, on a per-diem basis, from the day of closing until the end of the month.

贷款价值(LTV): A ratio that calculates the amount of your mortgage based on the appraised value of the property.

制造: A pre-fabricated structure at an off-site facility that is transported to a building site and placed on a foundation. These homes are permanently attached to the chassis used during the initial construction.

修改流程: 贷款人对现有贷款条款的变更. 在施工结束时, your loan MODIFYS from a short-term construction loan to a long-term fixed rate loan.

模块化: A pre-fabricated structure at an off-site facility that is transported to a building site. 这些模块使用起重机来完成住宅.

赞助: Cash dividends issued to Farm Credit customer-owners on a yearly basis based on the association's financial performance, 这有效地降低了借贷成本.

预付: The portion of your loan closing costs which must be collected at closing to cover taxes, 利息和保险.

主要市场利率: An interest rate set by the Federal Reserve that your lender will use to set the cost of borrowing funds for your construction.

速度锁: The borrower and the lender agree to protect the interest rate, 贷款处理过程中的积分和期限. 这种保护有一个截止日期.

二级按揭市场: The marketplace where home loans and servicing rights are bought and sold between investors and lenders.

木桩房屋: 木屋:完全就地建造的木结构(住宅.

调查: A drawing, prepared by a registered surveyor, showing the legal boundaries of a property.

标题降低: Your closing agent must search public records to confirm the title insurance is clean in order for draw funds to be released from the construction funds.

可变利率: An interest rate that may change during your loan period due to the economy and rates set by the Federal Reserve.

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